if you needed confirmation, here it is:

Now is the time to launch your store

The great news is that you already have what it takes to launch.  You just need to sacrifice some time to cut out all of the distractions around you and focus in on exactly what kind of store you want to open.  Next, you need to determine what funding and resources you need to make it happen.  Then, you'll hit that gas pedal and prepare to launch!

it's that simple.

You don't have to do this alone.

It's time you finally launched that store you've been dreaming about for years.

It's time to finally have control over your own schedule and revenue. Wake up when you want, work when and where you want.

It's time to stop hitting that snooze button 5 times and drag yourself out of bed to head to that job you hate.

(Get ready because you won't event want to sleep because of all the ideas and excitement of following your dreams each and every day.)

It's time to stop deferring your dreams because you've been putting everyone else first.

It is time for you to finally do the work that you're so passionate about and live a fulfilling life.

this is your time.


Hey!I'm DeAnna.

If I told you that in just one day you could walk away with...

Let me grab your attention:

Understanding of the retail industry - how it works and where your new store fits in it

What your disruptive store business model will be (aka how you stay ten steps ahead of the competition)

How much money you will need to invest to launch (and continue running) your store, including how much to spend on inventory 

How to create multiple streams of revenue inside your store, from day one

think it's too good to be true?

Keep scrolling, you'll see!

You 100% will inside the
Storefront Discovery 1-day Intensive.

These challenges and frustrations may have stopped you before.

Scared to take the leap away from a seemingly stable paycheck to the often unpredictable income of entrepreneurship (or how you will manage it all if you stay and do both)

Not having enough money, and risking your savings or taking a loan out on something that "might" work is worrying you (and your fam and friends lack of encouragement isn't helping)

Overwhelmed by so much conflicting info about how to start your boutique that you're at a complete standstill (For example, "gurus" telling you to create your personal brand first and THEN sell your products (this is so wrong btw. You're not an influencer, you're a business owner)

Wondering how you can possibly balance running your store, your relationship, being a parent, and somehow still find time for yourself

i've been there and you will overcome them!

ready for your life to change?

get your answers to literally all of the above in one day together.

- ashley b., aspiring innovative fashion brand + e-commerce shop owner

I highly recommend working with DeAnna McIntosh. Not only is she very professional and knowledgeable about the industry, but she gives you above and beyond what you could imagine that you would need to move forward in starting a store! Too often we think too small for ourselves and she challenged me to dream big - instead of having a small e-commerce, dream to one day have a brick and mortar store with it too and not to limit myself. I was feeling very stuck and overwhelmed about my next steps and taking her Storefront Discovery Intensive was life-changing! I now have a sense of direction with my business and look forward to continuing to have her as a Business Coach! Thank you for all that you do! If you're hesitating, don't, and take the day course it's well worth your investment and then some!

How this works


Make a commitment to yourself today, right now, that you're going to bet on yourself and take this first step towards launching your store and join me inside the intensive.  How much longer are you going to sit on your ideas?  Stop the "what ifs" and do it!

create your distraction-free space

It's non-negotiable for you to do the intensive in a space free of distraction so you can give the work your 100% focus.  You deserve that.  Book a hotel room, send your family to your in-laws to have the house to yourself - whatever you have to do, DO IT!

show up for yourself and do the work

You will get the answers to your major questions about how to start a store during our day together, but only from doing the work I give you.  ALL the work.  This is your first major step towards making your store a reality so make it a worthwhile one.

Chizi's startup raised $120k in funding

"DeAnna's refining of our deck and developing of our ability to speak clearly on the impact of our solution helped us raise $120k shortly afterwards."

The availability and professionalism of DeAnna is top tier. The depth and breadth of her knowledge shocked us a few times, and to back it up she was able to provide targeted connections to individuals within her network.  Our institutional investors made a pointed remark on her involvement with us; it strengthened their investment rationale in our company.

there's never been a better time to be in retail.

you're here - right where you're destined to be

You know you can do this. You're even more ready than you think you are.

But starting a business can be scary right?  I mean, you may be thinking inside right now, "Honestly, do I even WANT to know the answers to my questions about launching?  Because then I will have zero more excuses to give on why I haven't gotten started launching my store!"

This intensive will actually tell you if you DO or DON'T want to start a store.  Sometimes an investment into knowing what you DON'T want is just as valuable as what you do.

I'll be there to guide you every step of the way.

think of it this way:

- Katherine P., aspiring innovative skincare brand + e-commerce shop owner

"I just wanted to share with you an opportunity that literally fell in my lap. I subscribe to a newsletter that sends email notifications about funding opportunities for small businesses. While trolling the site, I came across an application for Sephora's Accelerate program www.sephoraaccelerate.com. The deadline to apply was yesterday.

Needless to say, the application was pretty intense. They required a video answering 6 questions (3 minutes or less), and basically all the points you went over in the intensive! When I tell you, that you are truly a blessing and God-send to my prayers of Entrepreneurship, please believe it! Had I not attended the intensive, I would not have been prepared to answer those questions. PERIOD. You are now a part of my testimony. I am certain it is all divinely orchestrated.

An email from an Intensive Client

The results from our day together...

you will be crystal clear about

exactly how much in sales your new store has to hit to Replace your 9-5 income

how much inventory you will have to invest in to hit your sales goal

innovative streams of revenue you can incorporate from day one

how many customers you need hourly, daily, weekly, monthly to hit your sales goal

what your store business model should be - one that disrupts the status quo and leaves a lasting legacy for you and your family

“DeAnna really made me think a lot deeper than what I have been on a lot of things that are really important when launching, but that we miss out on when we're really excited and just wanting to start the business and shop. ”

- brandi p., aspiring brick and mortar + e-commerce store owner for tweens

From An Intensive Client

Let's get into the details of our day together

Your Storefront Discovery 1-Day Intensive

before the day

during the day

after the day

Get excited that you just took the first step towards launching your store.

You'll start refreshing your vision for the store you're preparing to open

You'll reserve (or create) your distraction-free space that you'll be working from during the intensive

You'll log into the Intensive (from your 100% distraction-free space) where you'll spend the next 3 hours

You will be coached live, with breakout coworking sessions throughout the day to complete the work in your workbook

I'm 100% available to you during the session so you can get answers to your questions as you work

You can receive additional 1:1 access to me (optional upgrade)

You will get started building out your store launch plan using the work from the intensive!

You receive access to client-exclusive 1:1 strategy session booking calendar to get questions you have answered as you launch

Disclaimer:  This intensive is for people seriously interested in launching a brick and mortar or e-commerce store and want to invest in ensuring they have an accurate picture of what that journey looks like and what funding and resources will be required. You will be receiving a behind the scenes view of the retail industry - meaning my 16+ years of experience in this business managing billions of dollars in revenue will be poured into you and your vision during our day together.  It's for people who want to make an informed decision about store ownership BEFORE spending tens of thousands of dollars preparing for the launch.

Sound like you?

join the next session of the storefront discovery intensive

Equip yourself with the knowledge + tools and receive your next steps to start a boutique.

The Live Coaching

3 hours of LIVE, 1:1 coaching with DeAnna

Breakout virtual coworking sessions

Access to DeAnna during the entire intensive to ask specific questions

The Tools

Store Ideation Workbook

Startup Success Calculator that has every single expense you could encounter when launching a brick and mortar or e-commerce store

Due to the immediate access digital and live nature of this intensive, no refunds are offered.  However, I am 100% confident that this intensive is worth 5x more than the investment and will save you tens of thousands of dollars in your business journey.

Lifetime access to the intensive content replay

The Live Support

1:1 coaching options available post-intensive

The Post-Intensive FREE Training

Free Access to 36 Lessons to help you build your store business plan


book your live 3-hour 1:1 intensive

book now

Get started on your launch today.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes this different than other programs?

For starters, it's taught by me, someone formally trained in the business of retail (have a Bachelor's in International Fashion Merchandising Management from FIT) and has vast experience in many different areas of it: buying, logistics, art direction, wholesale, e-commerce, brick and mortar, and marketing (I've managed billion dollar merchandise departments inside Fortune 500 brands).  While I have corporate, big brand experience, I also have experience working with small businesses, and I myself am a small business.

This one-day intensive helps you understand all aspects required of you to not only launch your store, but grow your store.  It is designed to give you the answers to your pre-planning questions.  It's to help you get unstuck and stagnant by giving you those answers that will help you make an informed decision on whether or not store ownership is for you.

This is called an intensive for a reason.  It was designed to help you truly think through the "not so fun" parts of store ownership so you know 100% what you're stepping into before you truly start to begin gathering funding and spending major dollars towards launching.

Do I need any additional software to enroll?

The live coaching and breakout sessions will be hosted via Zoom.
Your workbook will be a PDF and your Startup Success Calculator will be an Excel spreadsheet.
You can communicate with me in real time through Zoom during the day together and you will receive the recording of our session together.

"DeAnna is AWESOME! She helped me understand not only the logistics of going into business for myself, but also helped me when revamp and refine my actual idea. It was so fun bouncing things off one another and brainstorming together. She’s so personable and transparent, you immediately feel comfortable in her presence. I’m positive with DeAnna on your team, success is inevitable!"

- ashley g., aspiring wellness subscription box owner

Increased revenue and impact starts here.

Welcome in!


Retailing Evolved® is an Innovative Retail Consulting Firm equipping Vision-led Individuals, Retailers, and Businesses to grow their revenue, community, and [more importantly] their impact - using products.

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