The Merch

Conversion Trick: Product Attributing

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I'm DeAnna!

Welcome to the space where I share what's on my heart regarding your business and what's going on inside the creative and retail industries.  I hope it inspires and encourages you to keep fighting for your business every single day.

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It's all about the cash flow!  Numbers are your friends

TOp categories

How to run your store more efficiently.  Systems + processes are everything

It doesn't matter how amazing your branding and products are if your target customers don't know it!

Where to find unique products and what to think about next

First, what is your conversion rate?

The conversion rate formula is the number of transactions divided by the number of visitors to your store. You then multiply that by 100 to get the percentage.

For example, if 100 people visited your online store yesterday, and you had 3 orders, your conversion rate is 3%. (which by the way, is the average conversion rate for online stores. Terrible right?!).

An enormously important way to increase your conversion rate is to spend time on your product attributing.

This is the most underlooked aspect of e-commerce by small businesses.

Attributes are the features that describe a product.

Attributing is one of the retail sales techniques and strategies that is critical in helping you understand, at a deeper level, what exactly is selling and not selling in your product assortment, and helps increase your e-commerce conversion rate.

Product attributes enable you to see trends in your sales when they first happen by using them to break down your retail sales reporting!

They are also essential to your e-commerce store or boutique, as they enhance SEO and help your customers find exactly what they are looking for.

More examples of how you can utilize attributes to run your boutique or online store profitably and sustainably and increasing your conversion rate:

  • Break down your retail sales reports to a granular level
  • Enhance your retail buying strategy by ordering products that sell
  • Improve the accuracy of your retail sales forecast by having greater sales analysis
  • Design your e-commerce store taxonomy by breaking down headers into further product detail
  • Design your e-commerce shop filters by providing additional product drill down categories
  • Drive retail sales dollars per customer by providing suggested or related items to add to cart (retail sales techniques)
  • Increase retail product SEO rankings

Let’s discuss your revenue goals. Contact us today.

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Hi, I'm DeAnna.
Your New              
Growth Strategist.

Business as we know it has been forever changed - but with change, comes so many great things. Innovation, being one of the greatest. Some of today's most incredible companies were birthed during some of the toughest times in history (Instagram, Disney, IBM). Why? Because when there is pressure, when things around us seem to be out of our control and it feels that there's no way out - the curious Entrepreneurs like you find a way.

I spent 10 years working inside the corporate offices of some of the US's biggest retailers, as a Buyer, Strategy Manager, Merchandising Director, Logistics Analyst, Merchant. Fast forward to today, my team and I are the driving force of innovation and revenue behind small and midsize creative and retail businesses like yours.

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Retailing Evolved® is an Innovative Retail Consulting Firm equipping Vision-led Individuals, Retailers, and Businesses to grow their revenue, community, and [more importantly] their impact - using products.

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